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The Calendar displays the year divided into 24 solar terms, 6 for each season, showcasing birthdays and festivals.

Each solar term is made of 3 in-game days.

It is based on the traditional chinese solar term calendar.



Beginning of Spring • Initial

East wind melts the ice

Beginning of Spring • Middle

Hibernating insects surface

Beginning of Spring • End

Fish emerge from the ice

Rain Water • Initial

Otters eat fish

Rain Water • Middle

Geese return

Rain Water • End

Grass sprouts, trees bud

Awakening of Insects • Initial

First peach blossoms

Awakening of Insects • Middle

Black-naped orioles chirp

Awakening of Insects • End

Eagle turns into a dove

Spring Equinox • Initial

Swallows return

Spring Equinox • Middle

Distant thunder
Li Mengqing's birthday

Spring Equinox • End

Initial electricity

Pure Brightness • Initial

Tung trees flourish

Pure Brightness • Middle

Vole to quail

Pure Brightness • End

First rainbows

Grain Rain • Initial

First reeds sprout

Grain Rain • Middle

Singing Dove Whisking its Feather

Grain Rain • End

Hoopoe Perching on Mulberry
Chen Yuanzhou's birthday


Beginning of Summer • Initial

Crickets Chirping
Mu Xia's birthday

Beginning of Summer • Middle

Hibernating insects surface

Beginning of Summer • End

Fish emerge from the ice

Grain Buds • Initial

Otters eat fish

Grain Buds • Middle

Grass is dead
Wei Hong's birthday

Grain Buds • End

Grass sprouts, trees bud

Grain in Ear • Initial

First peach blossoms

Grain in Ear • Middle

Black-naped orioles chirp

Grain in Ear • End

Eagle turns into a dove

Summer Solstice • Initial

Swallows return

Summer Solstice • Middle

Distant thunder

Summer Solstice • End

Initial electricity

Minor Heat • Initial

Tung trees flourish

Minor Heat • Middle

Vole to quail

Minor Heat • End

First rainbows

Major Heat • Initial

First reeds sprout

Major Heat • Middle

Rain moistens the soil
Lin Wanxi's birthday

Major Heat • End

Hoopoe Perching on Mulberry


Beginning of Autumn • Initial

Cool winds blow

Beginning of Autumn • Middle

White dew falls

Beginning of Autumn • End

Evening cicadas sing

End of Heat • Initial

Hawks eat birds

End of Heat • Middle

Heat starts to die down

End of Heat • End

Rice ripens

White Dew • Initial

Geese return again

White Dew • Middle

Swallows leave
Xie Wentian's birthday

White Dew • End

Bird stock up

Autumn Equinox • Initial

Thunder ceases

Autumn Equinox • Middle

Insects hole up underground
Ji Yaohua's birthday

Autumn Equinox • End

Farmers drain fields

Cold Dew • Initial

Wild geese return

Cold Dew • Middle

Sparrows catch clams from water

Cold Dew • End

Chrysanthemums bloom
Song Yantong's birthday

Frost's Descent • Initial

Jackals and wolves prey

Frost's Descent • Middle

Grass and trees turn yellow

Frost's Descent • End

Insects hibernate


Beginning of Winter • Initial

Water starts to freeze

Beginning of Winter • Middle

Land starts to freeze
You Jinghe's birthday

Beginning of Winter • End

Pheasant catch clams from water

Minor Snow • Initial

Rainbow disappears

Minor Snow • Middle

Winter coming

Minor Snow • End

Cold sets in, winter begins

Major Snow • Initial

Birds stop chirping

Major Snow • Middle

Tigers begin to mate

Major Snow • End

Lychee grows
Zuo Li's birthday

Winter Solstice • Initial

Worms surface

Winter Solstice • Middle

Elks shed antlers

Winter Solstice • End

Springs thaw

Minor Cold • Initial


Minor Cold • Middle

Sparrows start to nest
Yang Ziqin's birthday

Minor Cold • End

Pheasants start to call

Major Cold • Initial

Hens start laying eggs

Major Cold • Middle

Hawks prey

Major Cold • End

Ice thickens on streams


  • The ancient Chinese believed the weather changed every 15 days. The year was divided in 24 solar terms. Tradition has it that farmers saw how the time of year affected insects, plants, rainfall and the length of days, among other essential factors for farming activities.