Guiyun Sect

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Have a pure heart and few desires, follow good advice, be cautious from the beginning to the end,
and hate evil as one's enemy.

― Motto of the Guiyun Sect

The Guiyun Sect is a sect surrounded by mountains with abundant spiritual power with three main peaks: Ziyun Peak, Lianyun Peak and Cuiyun Peak.

During the Fire Rain Calamity the Cuiyun Peak was entirely destroyed.


Fire Rain Calamity

Guiyun Sect - Fire Rain 01.png

When the Player reached the Guiyun Sect, while people were talking, the colors of the sky and the earth changed, and lightning flashed and thunder roared.

Then the earth shook and the rain of fire fell, as if it was the end of the world.

A huge meteorite hit the main peak of the Ziyun Mountains not far away. In an instant, the whole mountain disappeared.

The surrounding peaks were also crumbling under the impact of the fire rain. Hundreds of buildings in the Guiyun Sect collapsed.

At the critical momen, several strange rays of light sheltered the Practitioners outside the mountain gate. Only then did they realize what was happening and flee down the mountain in a hurry.

While the group of Practitioners was still in shock, a man fell from the sky, who, judged from his outfit, looked like a member of the Guiyun Sect.

All the people just stood there gazing at each other, not knowing what to do, when one man came hurriedly from a distance. happening and flee down the mountain in a hurry.

He rushed to the unconscious member of the Guiyun Sect who was badly injured, with an anxious look on his face.


As the Guiyun Mountains were full of spiritual power many cultivators went to settle down there. Over time, people called the group of cultivators the Guiyun Sect. Later, a Legendary Man appeared in the Guiyun Sect, who proved to be very knowledgeable and a prominent martial artist. He was admired by all the other cultivators in the Guiyun Mountains. This was the beginning of the Guiyun Sect, and this man was the founder of the sect. However, the Guiyun Sect was still loosely organized at the time. It was not until leader Li Yuanshu carried out drastic reforms that the Guiyun Sect became well-known to everyone. The members were very strong and won a lot of praise. The sect was a rising star in the world of cultivation. Until a calamity known as the Fire Rain striked out.

Known Sect Leaders

  • Unnamed Legendary Man (Founder)
  • Li Yuanshu (Leader previous to the Fire Rain Calamity)
  • Xie Wentian (Leader by default as the only survivor after the Fire Rain Calamity)



Fire Rain Calamity



  • Sects are organizations dedicated to the practice of cultivation. Typically led by a Sect Master. With the help of Sect Elders and Great Elders, they instruct Disciples in the proper methods of cultivation or training in the martial arts styles of the Sect.
  • "An elder member of the Guiyun Sect told me that the motto of the Guiyun Sect is: Have a pure heart and few desires, follow good advice, be cautious from the beginning to the end, and hate evil as one's enemy." • Yang Ziqin
  • "The Guiyun Sect had been protecting the Ferry Stop, which had been providing goods and materials to the Guiyun Sect in return. Most of the members of the Guiyun Sect were required to cultivate on the mountain and were not allowed to go down the mountain unless they had to. The goods and materials they needed were either purchased by specific members or sent up the mountain by familiar villagers. Therefore, the relationship between the people of the Ferry Stop and the Guiyun Sect was very close." • Li Mengqing