Li Mengqing/Letters

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This page lists all the letters Incoming Letter.png received from Li Mengqing Icon.png Li Mengqing.

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You won't believe it. I found a book under a collapsed house and it turned out to be a secret script for strength cultivation! This is the kind of adventure that the protagonist of a story would encounter! I must be a destined heroine. You can take a look at this secret script too! We'll be called The Guiyun Twins in the future! Manuscript
I picked a lot of edible wild flowers in the Sunset Forest today, and they taste really good. Have a taste.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this sword with you! I recently saved a sum of money and bought two good swords, one for you. It'll be easier to deal with monsters in the mine with them. Qingfeng Sword.png Qingfeng Sword Complete M Valley Pit
Guess what I found at the bottom of the mountain yesterday? Ha, it's a reed leaf! I heard that the Zongzi wrapped with it will have a unique fragrance when cooked. I've picked a lot of them and I'm counting on you to figure out how to use them. And these Fresh meat Zongzi were given to me by an older sister after I helped her with her commission. You should try them out! Though I don't really like them, I wish there were sweet Zongzi. Reed Leaf.png Reed Leaf
Fresh meat Zongzi.png Fresh meat Zongzi
S How to make Zongzi
I picked a lot more reed leaves today and bought some ingredients from a farmer along the way. Go and make some delicious Zongzi! S Azuki Bean Zongzi Complete S How to make Zongzi
I heard that you are already in the middle stage? That's amazing! I must hurry up and practice. I don't want you to leave me behind. Obtain first breakthrough.
When I went to the north of the Misty Valley today, I saw Chen Yuanzhou going back with some big fish. Did you build a fishing ground in the north, too?
[Player Response}
Hehe! It's great to have fish to eat, but fishing isn't for me. Besides, don't you think it's unfair that you have to hold still while the fish swim about as they please?
[Player Response]
Hey, that's not true! I can settle down! Fishing is just so boring... when I'm reading my books, I can sit still for a whole day!
[Player Response]
That's true. The stories in my books are much more exiting than fishing. You should read a few too! I'll recommend some to you later when I'm free.
Construct the Northern Fishery
From what I read in the stories, the great heroes often gain amazing power through drinking. I tried it and it didn't work. Maybe you can put this to better use.
I didn't expect you to be promoted to Supervisor so soon. That's amazing. I must work harder too. Obtain first promotion.
Come see me if you have the time! I have something important to show you!
Recently, I always smell a flowery fragrance when I collect herbs in the Sunset Forest. But even though I've looked around several times, I've never found the source of the scent. There aren't many flowers in the forest, so where do you think it's coming from?
I'm back! I bet I made it back faster than you thought I would! Well, I actually fell into the river while trying to get around a demonic beasty and I just kind of happened to get washed back home, but still! I opened up another trade route for us. Oh, and come find me when you're free. I got you something! Trade route to
When I was out doing commissions recently, I saw red persimmon cakes drying in the yards of all the families down the hill, not to mention how beautiful they were. Unfortunately, it will be a while before I can eat them. I asked them about it and they said that the best time of year to make persimmon cakes is late autumn and early winter.
After resting up for a while, I'm ready to set out again for more exploration and adventure even further afield! But before I leave, I'd like to walk around town with you. If you're free, come see me at the marketplace tomorrow afternoon between the hours of 13:00 and 19:00. Don't make me wait too long.
It's been a while since we first met. I think we have a lot in common. This ginseng fruit is cute and can restore spiritual power. It's the only one I've got and now it's yours! Ginseng Fruit.png Ginseng Fruit Become Nodding Acquaintances.
My boat has reach the shore so I will start my journey here. I saw some smoke on the mountain ahead, maybe there is a place for me to stay. And it would be even better if I could find a master or secret treasures there.
[Player Response]
Haha, thanks for your blessing.
The mountains are steep and the terrain is complicated with the occasional appearance of monsters. Maybe there are secret places full of spiritual power but I need to find towns where I can trade. I'll just come back later to explore. For now I'll make do with a night under this boulder and continue my journey tomorrow.
I'm so lucky! Today, I met a merchant with a silver hat and purple hair, who said that he was from the Flower Valley. If I follow his instructions and keep heading south, I'll get there after two more mountains. I've heard it's a very prosperous place with a lot of merchants. It sounds perfect for finding trade routes in!
I found the Flower Valley! It's so beautiful, Player! There are huge trees full of pink flowers and when the wind blows, the petals fall like rain and cover a road made of vines and branches. The scent of flowers is everywhere, it's like some kind of fairyland! I want to take a good, long look around such a wonderful place!
[Player Response]
Reading that makes me happy, but I can't be too selfish. I'll play for a day, then get back to work tomorrow!
Today I decided to go to the main street and marketplace of the Flower Valley and there had to be over a hundred shops! There were p[eople everywhere, and some were even cultivators! This has to be a good place to trade with! I'll try asking the merchants about the routes they use, then sort out the information for you and Ji!
I'm home at last! I think it's been about two months since I left? Maybe? I haven't seen you in so long and I've missed you. Did you miss me to? Come see me when you can. I brought you a lot of gifts! Can now open a trade route to Flower Valley
There was a very suspicious man skulking around town yesterday, so I drove him off. He dropped this bag of elixirs as he fled and I picked them up as just reward! So here's my share to help you in rebuilding the sect!
Player, the bridge and post station have been repaired, so it's much easier to get to the Flower Valley! It's so beautiful there, you just have to go! Access to Flowery Mystic Realm. Construct the Eastern Bank Bridge.
Player, I heard about Song from Ji! You really are amazing. Every time I tried to talk to her, she'd just ignore me, so I didn't think you'd be able to make friends with her. Can you tell me how you managed it? I want to learn from you.
[Player Response]
But I really do want to be her friend. Maybe I'll try again another day.
Player, Have you heard the news out of Qingzhu Town? There was na outbreak of plague that struck the twonsfolk, but someone secretely went about slipping honey into the affected households. Surprisingly, the people who ate it recovered quickly and some say a girl in black was the one leaving the honey for them. Could it be Song who did this? I did mention the situation to her, but I have never seen her outside of the Sunset Forest before.
Player Look! I found a think script in a pile of books at the bookstore yesterday! I bought it discretely, and now it's your turn to study it! Don't forget our dreams! One day we really will be the Guiyun Twins! Manuscript
Player, thank you for helping me catch the fish thief last time. I think it would be safer not to be recognized when I'm fighting for justice in the future so I had two hats made. One for you and one for me. In the future, we will be the heroes of the Ferry Stop. Bamboo Hat with Ribbons (Female).png Bamboo Hat with Ribbons (Female) or
Bamboo Hat with Ribbons (Male).png Bamboo Hat with Ribbons (Male)
Finish S Catch the Fish Thief
Brother Xie has entrusted me with the task of finding a way to Blazing Sands Ridge! Please come to the bridge to see me off!
I found a way to Blazing Sands Ridge and gathered up some local specialties for you! The post station has the route now, but be careful as there's a demon sword there that keeps attacking merchants on the road. If you want to open up a trade route, you're going to have to do something about it. Access to Blazing Sands Ridge Mystic Realm.
Mission to defeat the Muddied Greatsword.
That man was skulking around again! I think something's up. So I beat him up again and this time, I found a bag of spirit shards! So here's some for you! Spirit Shards.png
I'm more sure than ever we have a lot in common, so let's travel together and fight for justice if we get the chance! We'll become swordsmen everyone admires, but first we have to look the part. I bought this swordsman's hair ribbon for you. It'll come in handy someday! File:Swordsman Hair Tie Box.png Swordsman Hair Tie Box continaing;
File:Swordsman Hair Tie.png Swordsman Hair Tie
Became Friends.
Player, I'm back from the City of Molten Paths and brought some local specialties for you! We also gathered some information about the rare spiritual plants there. Continuation of M Molten Paths Began M Molten Paths