Mysterious Person in Red

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Mysterious Person in Red is a special cross-over character from The Lost Village.


One day the portal to the Fire Mystic Realm opens up again in Misty Valley and after investigating it a Mysterious girl is found trapped inside.

After getting out of the realm, she explains that she is a Sect Leader from the world of Mountain Gates & Mystic Realms, her sect has been established just recently so she came to self-cultivate and learn how to grow crops.

She was able to travel here thanks to a sect artifact called Fairyland Activator connected to different Mystic Realms.

Related Quests


She will have available for exchange special treasures from her world.

Item Stock Materials
Mystic Realm Essence
Mystic Realm Essence
999 Spirit Shards.png10 
Bone-strengthening Elixir
Bone-strengthening Elixir
20 Thunder Flower.png Thunder Flower (6)
Golden Branch.png Golden Branch (6)
Yellow Elixir
Yellow Elixir
20 Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (5)
Green Branch.png Green Branch (5)
Lingzhi Mushroom.png Lingzhi Mushroom (5)
Divine Potion
Divine Potion
5 Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (18)
Premium Elixir
Premium Elixir
5 Golden Branch.png Golden Branch (18)
Shadow Elixir
Shadow Elixir
5 Thunder Flower.png Thunder Flower (18)
Hearing Elixir
Hearing Elixir
5 Green Branch.png Green Branch (18)
Spirit Elixir
Spirit Elixir
5 Lingzhi Mushroom.png Lingzhi Mushroom (18)
Earth Elixir (The Lost Village)
Earth Elixir (The Lost Village)
1 Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (40)
Golden Branch.png Golden Branch (40)
Thunder Flower.png Thunder Flower (40)
Green Branch.png Green Branch (40)
Lingzhi Mushroom.png Lingzhi Mushroom (40)
Dongting Tea
Dongting Tea
5 Lingzhi Mushroom.png Lingzhi Mushroom (12)
Green Branch.png Green Branch (12)
Scroll of Divine Thunder
Scroll of Divine Thunder
5 Golden Branch.png Golden Branch (12)
Scroll of Holy Fire
Scroll of Holy Fire
5 Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (12)
Scroll of Phecda
Scroll of Phecda
5 Thunder Flower.png Thunder Flower (12)
Heavenly Peach House
Heavenly Peach House
1 Thunder Flower.png Thunder Flower (120)
Green Branch.png Green Branch (120)
Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (120)
Superior Elixir House
Superior Elixir House
1 Golden Branch.png Golden Branch (120)
Smoke Fruit.png Smoke Fruit (120)


During the day she will stay in Misty Valley and at night she will stay at the Sunset Inn.


  • She does not share her real name, she just introduces herself as a Mysterious Person in Red.

See Also

SECT MEMBERS Chen YuanzhouWei HongXie WentianYang ZiqinYou JingheZuo Li
Ji YaohuaLi MengqingLin WanxiMu XiaSong YantongYe Yuxin
SHOPKEEPERS Dao SiJiang PingKong ZhijianMa XiaozhuMei XiaohanMatron YeSun He'anTian QingniangZhou Qian'er
OTHERS Gou WaLiu HanfeiLiu YumingLuo JingguangLu RanLin XiMysterious Person in RedNiu DazhuangPhantom StewardTingfeng the WandererXiao LianXu MaoXu XiangtaoZhou XingZuo MingyuanJin Li