Patch Notes

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New Content
  • Two new festival events have been added: "Spot-the-Difference" and "Lantern Riddles", which are held respectively during the “Major Cold” and “Beginning of Spring” solar terms each year (from the second year onwards). (New Year's Eve Festival and New Year Lantern Festival).
Optimization content
  • Added a warehouse interflow function in the save point.
  • Optimized some contents of multi-language.
  • Optimized the drop rate of some monster materials including Golden Sand.
Bug Fixed
  • Fixed the issue where the number of some crafting items exceeds its actual upper limit.
  • Fixed the abnormal issue of some NPC’s walking route after they lived with the player’s house.
  • Fixed some issues that would happen in the Friendliness quests of Song Yantong.
  • Fixed some error reporting issues during cooking.
  • Fixed some collision issues in the player’s house.
  • Fixed the issue where recipes can’t be received correctly.
  • Fixed other error reporting issues.


Bug Fixed
  • Fixed the bug that would make players unable to create a new character due to the Cloud Save Feature.
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when the Demonstrating Action was performed.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the game to crash during certain quests.
  • Localization Update
  • Fixed the bug that would not show the Quest Awards and Countdown


Bug Fixed
  • Fixed bugs from the quest Pure Heart
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game by using the Controller.
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game by using the Exploration Request system.
  • Fixed the bug that would allow you to enter the Editing System after the player dead
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game caused by an NPC (We hope it gets fully fixed this time)
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game from the Cooking System (We hope it gets fully fixed this time)


  • To resolve the time-slipping issue, we have implemented a logging system to identify and display the problem. (And hopefully, make the time-slipping stop crashing the game)
  • We’ve raised the rewards of Wandering Vendor
  • UI Improvement for Inventory and Warehouse
Bug Fixed
  • Fixed a bug causing slow merch creation by Turtle Mill
  • Fixed the bug around the Bookmark System
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes made the Marks on maps not appear in the right location during exploration quests.
  • Fixed the bug around the Paper crane gifting system
  • Fixed the bug that made the Enhance system crash the game when living with Lin
  • An Update to the Quest Pure Heart
  • Fixed the bug making the Paper crane unable to mark them as READ. (Please let us know if it works this time)
  • Fixed the bug that allowed the gifting system to be triggered by the controller after the gift was sent.
  • Fixed the bug that some items are not counted
  • Localization update


Bug Fixed
  • Fixed the error reporting issue that was caused by some interaction.
  • Fixed the issue where NPC's names are incorrect in some specific dialogue.
  • Fixed the issue in some main story where the NPC was not in the required position for the main story because the paper crane could still be viewed.
  • Fixed the issue where the CD may not be displayed properly after upgrading spell when it is placed in the shortcut bar.


New content
  • New main storyline. The story is now complete.
  • New Guiyun Journal in the Quest Menu, where you can check the flow chart of the main story, get tips, how to unlock various features of the game.
  • Improved the storyline about the Friendliness of all your fellow disciples and the corresponding prompts. With each more Heart of Friendliness you get, there will have a related event. After you complete the final event of a fellow disciple, you can invite them to live with you.
  • Exploration quests have been added to Yang Ziqin, Li Mengqing, and Chen Yuanzhou. This feature will be unlocked when the main storyline reaches a certain point. Now you can ask Yang Ziqin to defeat monsters in mystic realms to collect monster materials, Li Mengqing to collect materials in mystic realms, and Chen Yuanzhou to go fishing in various fishing grounds. You can have everything they get from the exploration quests.
  • Added Bookmark feature in the Notes. Now you can bookmark items in the Redeem Recipes, Sect Buildings, Crafting, Spell Upgrade pages. You can check the resources you need in Notes anytime.
  • New item Goods Album, which you can get from Ji Yaohua at Qiongzhen Pavilion when the R&D reaches a certain point. You can develop goods anywhere with this item.
  • Added Quick Cooking feature. Now you can cook up to 10 same dishes at a time.
  • A new 3-floor small mystic realm, Guiyun Villa has been added. After the Main Hall is completed and when you reach the middle stage of cultivation, you can complete the Fairy Mirror quest and enter the mystic realm with it, where you can pick tea leaves.
  • Bonuses have been added to the stone tablet at the Misty Valley Entrance and the Lakeside Pavilion after you complete them. When the stone tablet is completed, you can get 50% more MP when you absorb it. When the pavilion is completed, there is a certain chance that it no longer costs Energy when you use tools.
  • Settings button in the title screen has been added. You can change graphics, sound and other settings before you start the game. A new set of Cameras has been added.
  • Added Fish Rubbing Items quests for legendary fish.
  • Added miniatures of every mystic realm, which can be obtained through Crafting.
  • Added news skins for your residence.
  • Added three new places where you can save your game. You can activate them from Sect Building.
  • Added Steam achievements.
  • Added new collaboration content with independent game Mountain Gates & Mystic Realms.
  • Optimized the game's saving mechanism. When the game save files are corrupted due to the Internet connection lost when the Steam's cloud saving feature is used, the prompts will be more obvious now.
  • Good and Superior Watering Gourd are enhanced when charged: Increased the coverage and movement speed of the cloud. However, the duration of the cloud is slightly reduced. When Wind Seeding is used, the seed bag moves faster now.
  • Optimized the sorting and filtering in the Inventory and Warehouse. Now you can use more functions by right clicking.
  • Adjusted the watering animation of the Watering Gourd. Now up to 50 of each type of Watering Gourd can be built.
  • Modified the animation when entertaining fellow disciples. Now you will sit on the seat of honor and dine with them.
  • Optimized the result at the end of each solar term to avoid all kinds of mechanism failure caused by it; added the animation for the result presentation; Now you will see more clearly the progress of the solar term in the current season when solar terms change.
  • Alchemy and Cooking screens have been remade; optimized other screens including Course Scheduling, Banquet, Notes, and Sect Building; adjusted the color scheme of all screens. Optimized multi-language display.
  • Remade the quest related to the Fairy Mirror. Removed the camera switching function of the Fairy Mirror. Now it is the entrance to the Guiyun Villa Mystic Realm.
  • Remade the quest Divinity Training to make it more interesting. Solved the possibles issues that might be triggered due to the restrictions in the original quest area.
  • Now there is a small chance to get Pearls from Mussels.
  • Some numerical optimizations: increased the drop rate of good and superior items; reduced the purchase prices of seeds; adjusted the types or quantity of materials required for some quests; increased the stats points you get from the courses you take.
  • Adjusted the trigger timing of some side quests.
  • Optimized the animation performance when you receive paper cranes. Now the paper crane icon shows how many unread paper crane messages you currently have.
  • Added Sect Elder Costume as the reward when you are promoted to Sect Elder.
  • Optimized the portals. Now you can go in and out of them in the accelerated state.
  • Optimized the sound effects for real and fake bait-taking during fishing. Now you can make better judgement.
  • Optimized the area where monsters appear near the lotus leaf platform in the Yuhua Mystic Realm. Now you will not be attacked earlier than expected.
  • Optimized the movement of some NPCs.
  • Optimized the effect of some furniture.
  • Optimized the textures in some scenes such as Ziyun Peak, Ferry Stop, and Misty Valley.
  • Now the game loads faster.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that a corrupted save file in a slot will affect the save files in other slots. Save file conflict prompts due to cloud saving or manually copied save files are added.
  • Fixed an issue that the game may show error messages and crash when a new character is being created.
  • Fixed an issue that during the banquet quests, the game may show error messages with the debut of a certain character in some specific circumstances. (Even if the issue has been fixed, the game may still show error messages if you have accepted the quest Bridge Repair. So, please try to avoid this quest before and after the update).
  • Fixed an issue that the game may crash when the quest screen is brought up in some specific circumstances.
  • Fixed several issues about the Shennong Scythe: when the acceleration buff is in effect, harvesting with the Shennong Scythe will no longer miss any crops. Now when the Shennong Scythe is selected, empty-handed interaction is also available.
  • Fixed the issue that some NPCs can't be displayed on some maps after they have joined the sect or some areas have become available.
  • Fixed the error during the quest Kitchen Helper (VII).
  • Fixed the issue during the cooking mini-game, the character will move the kitchenware after bringing up the Recipe page.
  • Fixed the issue that the character will go out of the scene when using Get Unstuck.
  • Fixed the issue that after the Misty Valley Trade Route is unlocked, the items that should be unlocked for purchase are not unlocked.
  • Fixed the issue that the actual items you get are not as displayed at some gathering points in Canghai Mystic Realm.
  • Fixed the issue that you still can't get legendary fish at some fishing ground in mystic realms after using Fisher King Pills.
  • Fixed the issue that the game may freeze after two consecutive deaths in some mandatory battles.
  • Fixed the issue that you may get stuck due to the monsters not being refreshed after you revive after defeat in tutorial battles.
  • Fixed the issue that the Pet Inventory becomes unavailable in some cases.
  • Fixed some prompt errors.
  • Fixed the issue that when you play the game a lot with a gamepad, the game is not responding or freezes.
  • Fixed the occasional display error of the cooldown timer in the main screen.
  • Fixed many prompt and text description errors.
  • Fixed the texture issues in some scenes.
  • Fixed the abnormal sound effect in some screens and battles caused by spells.
  • Fix some other bugs.

Early Access


New content
  • Steam Cloud saving is now supported!
  • New side quests added.
  • Now there’s a Library menu where you’ll be able to consult the full list of fish, furniture pieces and dishes, etc. you’ve unlocked until the present day.
  • The new spell Wind Seeding will help you to spread your seeds on the ground much quicker!
  • The new set of facial expressions will make you feel the characters more alive than ever.
  • New voice lines in Chinese available.
  • You’ll hear new sound effects when stir-frying, using a wok, or the boiling pot.
  • The names for some friendliness levels have been adjusted.
  • More types of weapons will be available at the Qiongzhen Pavilion.
Optimization based on players’ feedback
  • Workshop can now produce multiple items with just 1 click, so you don't have to work on them one by one anymore!
  • During cave exploration, press “E” once to climb or climb downstairs automatically.
  • The UI layout for the Quick Cooking feature has been updated.
  • The number of required items in the Spotted Silver Carp Quest (Mrs. Ye) and the Flexible Skin Quest (Lu Ran) is now smaller.
  • To unlock new items at the Qiongzheng Pavilion, players have to complete several quests that required a high number of rare materials to be found. Now, this amount has been reduced.
  • We adjusted the lighting of Sunset Forest in Winter.
  • The selling price of some “L” grade crops is now higher.
  • You can now sell the Space Ring.
  • Filter and Sort button added to Workshop Menu
Bug fix
  • Fixed a bug that left You JingHe's birthday out of the event calendar.
  • Fixed a bug that kept spending stamina if you pressed “E” for a long time when watering the crops.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to sell the same item 2 times at the Qiongzhen Pavilion.
  • Fixed the display bug of the furniture Raining Petals Lotus Vat.
  • Fixed a bug that locked the Raining Petals Flagstone on the ground and made it disappear when putting it down.
  • Fixed a bug that affected the paper cranes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the same paper crane to be sent repeatedly to the player.
  • The selling price for the Porcelain Jar has been updated.
  • Fixed a bug that caused two missions offered by the same character to be completed at the same time without having fulfilled the requirements for both.
  • Fixed a bug that limited by grade (related to each field related to cultivation) the status buff of items like the Elixir or the Book.
  • English and Japanese localization packs have been updated with several corrections.


Bugs fixed
  • Remember the bug that unified all storage boxes into a single 16-slot box? It's been hard to fix, but we'd say we've got it right this time! Now your storage capacity should be growing proportionally to the number of containers you own, as planned.
  • Fixed the bug that made the game crash when you summoned the thundercloud under some circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented you from placing the Raining Petals Wall and Raining Petals Wall (Corner) together.
  • Fixed a bug that made the Bamboo Set - Bamboo Wall and the Long Display Table hard to hold up and relocate after putting it down.
  • Fixed a bug that made you can’t get the dish after cooking it if you click the ESC button.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game show wrong favorites in the Friends tab.
  • From now on, every patch note will show up in a pop-up message when you start the game. (No English version patch note yet, would be added from the next patch)
  • Some item descriptions have been updated.
  • Some images for processing recipes have been updated too!
Optimization based on player feedback
  • You can now get all Water Orbs from the Wandering Vendor.
  • Now, the crops with 1-2 fruit won’t be affected by the change of season anymore. You’ll keep them all.
  • Fixed the bug that obviated the limitations of the Workshop for crafting certain structures (Warehouse, Octowell). Now, again, you can only have one at a time.


Fixed a bug that makes the game crash when First time player creates a new character In the patch 0.4.22


Bug fixes
  • Rollback the Storage Box bug, and you can not move it away. We will fix it again very soon!
  • Fixed a bug that some text on piece of furniture are wrong.
  • Fixed a bug that cause you can not get Modified Watering Gourd. Now you can get the Design: Modified Watering Gourd by the Paper Crane when the time is come.
New content
  • A new Trade Routes: Yuhua Dock have added in game. It will start by a quest from Li Mengqing. And also there will be some new items.
  • We have changed the save file structure of the game. You can now create multiple characters to play the game. The save files between characters will not overwrite each other.


Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that showed the same item several times on You Jinghe’s list of gifts.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented ore mining on the 6th and the 7th floor of the Valley Pit.
  • Fixed the bug that unified all storage boxes into a single 16-slot box. Now your storage capacity will grow proportionally to the number of containers you own!
  • Fixed a bug related to replacing the Magic Ring.
  • Fixed the bug that kept the “New” tag showing up on some registers of the Settings menu.
  • Fixed the bug that made the game crash after using an item or eating food consistently.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game crash when you opened the Pearl Oyster.
  • Fixed two bugs related to watering the crops.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game crash when you beat the bat in the 6th floor of the Valley Pit.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game crash when you cut down the tree and then went to sleep in your bed.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game crash when you opened the Notes tab from the Character screen.
  • The Japanese localization has been updated.
  • We fixed some of the attribute buffs assigned to furniture pieces like the yellow-green bonsai.
  • Now the dealer accepts more types of furniture to trade with, and the yellow-green bonsai is one of them.
  • We have removed some unhelpful texts from the Workshop menu.
Updates based on players’ feedback
  • You can now put up to 99 same items in one stack.
  • Yang Ziqin and You Jinghe build a Teleport Field on the 5th floor of the Valley Pit. It can save your life someday, so don’t forget to find it and activate it!
  • Now there’s a brief text on every piece of furniture describing their effects on your characters’ MP and Stamina. You can see them both on the Shopping menu and your bag.


  1. Starting in this version, you now don’t need to empty your hands to collect MP, herbs, etc.
  2. In the latest research of Chen Yuanzhou, We find 3 types of extremely expensive fish from all fishing spots. However, we find them are hard to cook or using them in any way, just sell them when someone would love to take them!
  3. Sunset Inn chef Liu doesn't feel well recently, which makes all the dishes slightly more expensive for purchase than before, but also sells at higher prices when you sell dishes.
  4. With the insistence of Li Mengqing, the awards get higher for some quests.
  5. After Wei Hong maintenance the workshop equipment, you could now make 10 Watering Gourd working at the same time!
Changes based on players’ feedback
  1. Yang Ziqin share with you some experience of fighting with your devil inside and phantoms, this battle would be much easier starting this version.
  2. After some serious discussion, Weihong update the design of Stone Mill, Now you could get 5 products from it!
  3. Wei Hong invents a new way to keep Obsidian, you could now keep 99 of them in one stack.
  4. After negotiating with villagers, they won’t ask for Sticky Rice in the first year.
  5. Brothers and sisters of the Guiyun Sect will start sending messages and even sending gifts to you by Paper Crane at some timing!
  • If you already reach a later stage, then this update would make all the messages and gifts send to you at once, please prepare for this coming!
New bug fixes
  1. Fixed a bug that makes Paper Crane and Gift from Mu Xia didn’t show up
  2. Fixed a bug that makes the game crash when you teleport to the classroom
  3. Fixed a bug that makes the game didn’t count your Mussel properly when you extend the warehouse
  4. Fixed a bug that display the wrong number of Stamina for some tools
  5. Localization update
  6. Fixed a bug that makes you temporarily inability to reclaim plots of land after removing the facilities
  7. Fixed a bug related to the scene changes
  8. Fixed a bug that makes the model down on the ground or fly in the sky when getting defeated
  9. Fixed a bug that makes the time can’t be paused when get defeated.
  10. Fixed a bug that make the friend tab show the wrong Cultivation status
  11. Fixed a bug that makes the game crash when you take off the storage ring when the package is full
  12. Fixed a bug related to cooking, using the tool, and taking the tasks.


  1. The actions of sheathing and unsheathing the sword are now even faster than in the last version
  2. You can get more Spirit Stone from the seasonal Sect Budget.
Changes based on players’ feedback
  1. 3 new level of Warehouse update available for additional storage space
New bug fixes
  1. Fixed the bug which allows you to use the paper crane going to the class multiple times
  2. Fixed a bug that crashed the game when clicking the organize button in the warehouse.
  3. Update the corridor of your house so you won’t stuck in the air when you jump
  4. Update the behavior Modified Watering Gourd
  5. Fixed a bug that caused the Fishery in the Guiyun Sect cannot be built.
  6. Fixed a bug that made the game crash in fishing, walking in the field, or watering the plant.
  7. The breakthrough feature is banned in some story scenes.


  1. You can now load corrupted save files and continue with your progress.
  2. Breakthrough feature has been updated (requirements, hints, and the model).
  3. The whole UI for character stats has been redesigned both in the Character and Breakthrough menus.
  4. The MP cost of battle spells is lower now.
  5. We changed the location of the cave monsters. Also, the difficulty of battles has been reduced and now they should be easier to overcome.
  6. You will receive gifts from NPCs after you breakthrough successfully.
  7. There are 4 new dishes available in Sunset inn, including the double-cooked pork requested by Tingfeng the Wanderer.
More changes based on players’ feedback
  1. There will be more rainy days in Autumn.
  2. The smaller Watering Gourd won’t cover all the crops.
  3. You can now stack more items (from 3 dishes to 10, from 10 Ore to 20).
  4. You can now enter the class 30 minutes early when you go to the Lecture Hall.
  5. You should now long-press E to keep cutting down the tree or keep mining.
New bug fixes
  1. Fixed a bug that was making the game crash sometimes after clicking the clock at the top-right corner of the screen while fishing.
  2. Fixed a bug that crashed the game as a result of copypasting items.
  3. Fixed a bug in which the time-stop feature failed (i.e., time kept moving when you opened the bag, the NPCs turned around when talking with them, etc.)
  4. Fixed a bug that made the Major Quest ‘Rebuild the Main Hall’ disappear after completing the pre-quest ‘Building the Workshop’.
  5. Fixed a bug that made the game crash in certain situations like fishing, putting items into the warehouse, or entering different areas.
  6. When creating your character, you will no longer receive an error message if you forgive to put a First Name and Last Name. Instead, the game will remind you to add one.
  7. Localization bugs for pronoun female character with “he” in the Friends tab.
  8. Fixed a bug that makes the game crash when you click the “Sort” button in the Warehouse.
  9. Fixed a bug that some rare crops like Red Bok choy has too low probability of occurrence.


Bug fixes
Optimization issues that made the game crash on certain computers should have disappeared.
  • Fixed the bug locking the mission to rebuild the main hall of the cult headquarters, which also didn’t allow players to interact with You Jinghe.
  • Fixed a bug that made the game show the wrong number of unlocked recipes.
  • Fixed a bug that was making gourds disappear.
  • Fixed a bug that makes the time stop when you “die” in combat.
  • Fixed a bug that was making the character get stuck in the air, or crash the game when he/she jumps.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to select two items at the same time.
Experience improved
  • The map of the Sunset Inn has been redesigned.
  • The actions of sheathing and unsheathing the sword are now faster.
  • You won’t receive any fruit if you grow a crop out of the correct season.
  • Added a short description for the Warehouse and the Storage Box, so everyone understands how they should be used.
  • The game allows you to left-click on the crops to claim the fruits. Now we’ll remind you of it with a brief description!
  • The tasks of the North Town Fishery and Fermentation Jar have been redesigned.