Wei Hong/Letters

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This page lists all the letters Incoming Letter.png received from Wei Hong Icon.png Wei Hong.

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You should have learned how to use paper crane communication by now. So, respond to me.
[Player Response]
Yes, I got it. You are very talented. Let's stay in touch!
I haven't slept for two days and have finally made enough paper cranes for all of us. In the future, everyone from the Guiyun Sect can use paper cranes.
Thank you. After the Workshop was built, I could design and make things. By the way, what do tyou think of the small bamboo stool I gave you last time?
[Player Response]
Yes. We both think we shouldn't sit on ordinary chairs.
[Player Response]
Don't worry. I get it! It'll meet up to your expectations. I will make an unprecedented and extraordinary chair.
Your house is so dark that at night you must not be able to see a thing. This is a candlstick I made myself, why don't you take it? Candlestick.png Candlestick x1
I have important news for you, Player! I was choking on water yesterday and the idea of a new sort of watering gourd suddenly occurred to me. I'm sure it can be helpful!
I've been so inspired recently that I've come up with a lot of furniture designs! You should come to the Renovation Division and have a lot when you are free.
The wood you brought is beingg processed. I'll make some things for the sect soon, but there;s still a lot left. Should I make some furniture or facilities, or just whatever I want?
[Player Response]
Great! With my great experience and knowledge, and you support, I'm sure I can design furniture of greater power and better transformation.
Player Response]
Don't worry, you've inspired me! I've suddenly thought of a new design and it will definitely exceed your expectations. Prepare to be surprised! Haha!
[Player Response]
I have more good news! I tripped over myu basin while grooming this morning and the spilling water inspired me to make modifications to the octopath well! It will be able to water automatically all day long. You don't need to worry about energy, either. I will do over there to do maintenance on it from time to time, so just use it.
I accidentally made an extra piece of furniture. Then I remembered that you might want it to decorate, so I sent it to you.
You broke through to the middle stage of Qi Gathering within only a few days! I am so happy for you. Obtain first breakthrough.
Congratulations! You've been working so hard for the sect and everyone can see it. You deserve this position as a Supervisor. Obtain first promotion.
Thanks for getting me the ice beans! My cool pinwheels were so popular, so here's your share! Let's make more money together. Spirit Shards.png
Good news! A customer from Feihong Manor took a fancy to my octopath well. He said if I can improve it further and increase the watering area, he is willing to pay a big price to order some. This is a good opportunity for me and, if it succeeds, it can also help our sect earn a lot of money. You gotta help me with this.
Developing our Guiyun sect is great, but I find that uou don't have time to buy yourself some good furniture, which made me a little ashamed! I made this furniture myself to thank you for supporting me and my inventions. I hope you find it useful.
Guess what? I've made something new with my research in just a few days. I'm such a genius. Come to the Renovation Division so I can show you something.
My lotus leaf hats didn't sell at all. They said they didn't like the color. I tried my best to get them to understand that's just the color of the lotus leaf, but they wouldn't listen. I was so thoughtless.
[Player Response]
Yes! My hats are so useful. People would buy it if it wasn't green!
After eating the food you made, I was so inspired that I qwuickly solved several problems I couldn't figure out before. The new watering facility was finally built, and now it can water a large area ofd the surrounding land at once! I named it the irrigation well. Her is the design, so you can try it. Unforuntately, it does not support automative irrigation throughout the day. I need to solve the energy problem and then improve upon this version. Irrigation Well
Irrigation Well Design
Seeing that the air-drying rack you are using is easy and convenient, but the amount that can be dried at one time is very limited, I may be able to help improve it. But I need enough materials.
Player, that Song Yantong is too fierce! I heard she was good at breeding silkworms, so I kindly decided to make her the perfect Jet Flower dyeing machine, but all she did was drive me out! She was so unreasonable! Well, I may have made it a bit harder for her to clean up her place after that, but that was just an accident.
[Player Response]
That's it! When I finish something, I always test it personally, but I've never stopped to consider that ordinary people don't have my level of operating skills. Agh, what an oversight! I must improve it.
I got excited AGAIN recently and made some unique pieces. It's just that maybe my idea is too far ahead and nobody is buying anything. Anyway, since we are here, I'll give you one for free. You can provide me with some feedback about it later.
I remember when I first came to the Ferry Stop, I didn't even have a hundred Spirit Shards on me. Thanks to you and our sect brothers and sisters, I got through the most difficult days. We've been through think and thin, haven't we? I made a gift for you. Open it and have a look. Become Nodding Acquaintances Heart.png
Ahahaha, I struck it rich! Those lamps please Sister Ji and she gave me a lot of spirit stones for them!@ It really is true that listening to the advice of others can fill you belly! Since it was your advice that made this happen, here! Have half of what she paid!
Make no mistake, I can easily make a living from my carpentry skills. No matter how mediocre the material, even trash can become treasure in my hands. For instance, this furniture I've made. Try it out and see what you think.
Player, if you have time, come to the Renovation Division and let's have a chat.
We are good friends, so I'll just be frank. Everything in the Misty Valley is great, but it's just too dark to see the road at night. The last time I went to see you, I tripped over a stone and it hurt for a long time. Here, take these two designs. Make some lamps to light up the Misty Valley at night. Wooden Floor Lamp Design
Wooden Floor Lamp Design Recipe
Stone Lamp Design
Stone Lamp Design Recipe
Become Friends Heart.pngHeart.png
Hey, you know what? Brother Yang knows a lot more than he gives himself credit for! He helped me sort out some key points of cultivation and now I feel like I have a direction to aim for.
[Player Response]
Thank you for your kind words. You really helped me out of a maze of my own making.
Friendship +7 with Wei Hong Started Wei Hong's Heart.pngHeart.png Friend quest and chose Brother Yang.
You've helped me a lot for a while now. When times got tough, we've gotten through together. Now that I have money, I want to invite you to dinner. F Invitation from a good friend Become Friends Heart.pngHeart.png