Yang Ziqin/Letters

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This page lists all the letters Incoming Letter.png received from Yang Ziqin Icon.png Yang Ziqin.

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Now that the Guiyun Sect's barrier has broken, monsters are becoming more active closer to town. Please be careful but rest assured I am patrolling the valley and dealing with them as they appear. Perhaps you will find a use for these materials from them. Leather.png Leather (5) One day after completing Valley Pit
The Renovation Division is finished. Please come over between 9:00 and 22:00. Let's discuss the follow-up plan together.
The Main Hall is finished. Let's gather in the square between 9:00 and 18:00.
Lately, I've seen Matron Ye drinking alone near the inn at night. Something must be bothering her...but I guess everyone has their own difficulties.
I recently gained some insight in battle. It is not especially impressive, but it is best we share our knowledge, so I hope these writings will be of use to you.
The Sect has been growing rapidly lately, and you've been getting busier. I talked to Chen and Li. We thought we can help you with your affairs. You can come to us and discuss it face to face.
Your contributions to the sect during this period are obvious to all, and you deserve to be promoted to Supervisor. Don't forget to go to the Bulletin Board on the east side of the Main Hall for promotion.
[Brother] / [Sister], I learned a new spell recently that can turn defeated monsters into spirit orbs. I made this one especially for you.
A promotion to Supervisor means greater responsibilities and I believe you will only do better. For the revival of the Guiyun Sect, let's work harder together!
Xie has taken the medicine recommended last time, but his condition has not improved. Do you think I should talk to Dr. Sun again?
[Player Response]
Yes, I've been too impatient. I was hoping he would wake up immediately after taking the medicine.
Player, I've noticed your pace is more brisk lately and your spiritual power is surging. These are signs of an imminent breakthrough. Please come see me as soon as possible.
Congratulations on your breakthrough! The middle stage of Qi Gathering is just the beginning. Keep up the good work.
In my most recent patrol, I encountered some monsters far stronger than before near the Valley. Please take care. I hope these materials are useful to you.
Player, I have found the entrance to the Guiyun Villa. But we will have to remake the artifact on the spiritual veins. I have got all the required books read. Please bring them to You Jinghe for reference.
As a training ground, Guiyun Villa has many monsters in it. You must be careful in there. These elixirs may come in handy.
Thanks to the medicine, Xie's condition is now stable. However, Dr. Sun said Xie's meridians are seriously damaged and he shouldn't take medicine constantly. Long-term dietic invigoration is the only way to ensure that his physical strength is not affected and I need your help with this. Please come see me when you can.
I stayed with Xie last night. He's in poor condition and it looked like he was having a nightmare while sweating all the time. I have informed Dr. Sun. Please come to the inn as soon as possible.
The monsters deep in the cave are far more dangerous. I narroowly escaped yesterday from one a sword was useless against! But such encounters are trials to be learned from and overcome. Take these materials from that battle and make good use of them.
Player, our fellow members have been talking about Song from the Sunset Forest a lot recently. I went to the forest many times and have finally met her. We spoke of the Guiyun Sect amnd I can see she still cares about it. As you are close to her, perhaps you can talk to her and see if she may be willing to koin us.
Player, I have shown the broken jade slips you found near Song Yantong's home to Tingfeng the Wanderer. It contains demonic cultivation methods which require an unusual constitution to utilize. It seems Song may be more dangerous than we thought, so please take care when going into Sunset Forest.
Player, Xie's health has improved a lot recently. He said he wanted to meet you. Come to the inn when you have time.
Without the force field of the Guiyun Sect, the monsters nearby are becoming restless again. But you and I will certainly protect the people nearby. Keep these Health Elixirs, and don't hesitate to use them when fighting monsters.
Player, Brother Xie wants to discuss the repairs of the Yunjian bridge. Let's meet in the Main Hall.
I recently made some insight into battle. It is not especially impressive, but it is best we share our knowledge, so I hope these writings will be of use to you.
Could I trouble you to come to the ruins near thwe bridge on sect grounds? I would like to discuss the restoration of this place with you.
The house is ready and Miss Lin has already come to have a look. Xie Wentian is also here, if you'd like to come see it yourself.
I stumbled into a Mystic Realm when I was patrolling the foot of the mountain. It's rich in mineral veins and rare gold ore essences. It took me a lot of effort to capture one and I asked a Beast Master to trap it in a spirit orb. Such a precious thing should be given to me best friend for sure. Set it out and have a look. Spirit Orb - Mirror Essence.png Spirit Orb - Mirror Essence Complete Friend Heart.pngHeart.png Mission.
Player, Ji Yaohua and I have something to talk to you about. Could you please come to the Qiongzhen Pavilion? Also, please don't tell Brother Xie. M Xie's Concerns Complete M Dragon's Blood and Phoenix Egg and wait.
Player, we have now both returned from the City of Molten Paths. You can now travel to it through the post station. Let's discuss the information about the flame lantern fruit in person. Continuation of M Molten Paths
Dousing Elixir
Dousing Elixir Formula
Began M Molten Paths
Player! Now you Can use the Divine Compass. Open the map in the Mystic Realm and use the Immortal Spirit Compass to guide you. Hopefully, it will help you while you explore mystic realms.