Lecture Hall

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Lecture Hall is a building located in Guiyun Sect: Ziyun Peak.

After the Lecture Hall is built, in each solar term the player and fellow sect members can take a sect course. Taking courses enhances attributes.

The readily available Lecturers only require Spirit Stone to recruit and can be assigned every Solar Term without further payment.

More Lecturers will be available later through Tingfeng the Wanderer Icon.png Tingfeng the Wanderer. These Lecturers will provide higher Cultivation and Stats, but they will require gifts before they can be recruited.


Lecturer Class Cultivation Stats Cost
Fenghui the Swordsman
Essentials of Body Training 56-84 HP 11-18 Spirit Shards.png500
Tingfeng the Wanderer
The Secret to Breathing 56-84 MP 6-10 Spirit Shards.png500
Fuyao Zi
Wisdom of Taoism 56-84 Spell 5-9 Spirit Shards.png500
Qingfeng the Practitioner
The Art of Light Body 56-84 Stance 5-9 Spirit Shards.png500
Youmeng the Scholar
The General Theory of Divinity 56-84 Divinity 4-7 Spirit Shards.png500
Juegu the Hermit
The Theory of Grain Avoidance 56-84 Willpower 4-7 Spirit Shards.png500
Taoshan the Elder
Extracts on Nourishing Spiritual Nature and Prolonging Bodily Life 72-108 HP 12-20
MP 4-7
Spirit Stone.png1
Master Dengzhen
The General Theory of Techniques and Methods 72-108 MP 4-7
Spell 6-10
Spirit Stone.png1
Tianji the Taoist
The Theory of Yin-Yang and Five Phases 72-108 Spell 6-10
Willpower 5-8
Spirit Stone.png1
Wuji the Swordsman
The Secret to Swordsmanship 72-108 Stance 6-10
Divinity 5-8
Spirit Stone.png1

Lecturer Candidates

"Talk with Tingfeng the Wanderer and select [View Lecturer Candidates] to view the information of the potential candidates. If the requirements are met, the potential candidates will become interested and come."

Name Attributes Requirements
Lianxin the Taoist Twelve Volumes on Perception Ginseng Fruit.png Ginseng Fruit (1)
Cultivation: 86-130 Stance: 7-11 Divinity: 5-8
Liuxia the Divine Swordmaster The Sixteen Moves of Liuxia Liquor.png Liquor (5)
Cucumber Salad.png Cucumber Salad (1)
Steamed Sea Bass.png Steamed Sea Bass (1)
Cultivation: 86-130 Stance: 14-22 MP: 3-5
Master Yuhua The Thirteen Classics Open up trade routes: Yuhua Dock
Small Pearl.png Small Pearl (3)
Cultivation: 86-130 MP: 3-5 Spell: 14-22
Tanlang the Taoist Incantations of Exorcism Chicken.png Chicken (3)
Pork.png Pork (3)
Beef.png Beef (3)
Cultivation: 86-130 Divinity: 5-9 Willpower: 5-9
Wudao the Immortal Essentials of Sealing Cinnabar.png Cinnabar (10)
Cultivation: 86-130 HP: 14-23 Willpower: 5-8



See Also

Misty Valley
HomeWorkshopFishing TerraceNorthern FisheryMisty Valley TerraceLake PierNorthern Hanging BridgeFairy Mirror (Guiyun Villa) • Cave Entrance (Stalactite Cave Fishing Spot) • Lake IslandLake IslandThe Blessed Land (The Blessed Land Fishing Spot)
Ferry Stop
Sunset Inn (Inn Kitchen) • Blacksmith's ShopVegetable StallFish StallWandering VendorSnack StandBulletin BoardAnju LaneQiongzhen Pavilion (R&D Facility) • Hui Chun TangJi Yaohua's HouseLi Mengqing's HouseFerry Stop Fishing SpotEastern Bank Bridge
Guiyun Sect: Ziyun Peak
Main HallRenovation DivisionLecture HallFisheryChen Yuanzhou's ResidenceSect KitchenCloud BridgeSect Residence (Xie Wentian's ResidenceYang Ziqin's Residence) • Training GroundLin Wanxi's ResidenceYe Yuxin's Residence
Guiyun Sect: Lianyun Peak
Earth and Fire ArrayZuo Li's ResidenceSect Alchemy Furnace
Sunset Forest
Deep in the Sunset Forest (Song Yantong's Residence) • Eastern Sunset Forest
Yuhua Mystic Realm (Yuhua Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Flowery Mystic Realm (Flowery Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Blazing Sands Ridge Mystic RealmSalt Strewn Coast Mystic Realm (Salt Strewn Coast Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Bright Moon Pass Mystic RealmMolten Paths Mystic RealmFrostbound Ascent Mystic RealmZixiao Mystic Realm