Vegetable Stall

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Vegetable Stall is a shop in Ferry Stop owned by Tian Qingniang Icon.png Tian Qingniang.

At the start of every solar term, the Vegetable Stall's regular stock levels will refresh back to the maximum, and the 5 solar term offer items will randomly change, with maximum availability, and with repeat items being a possibility.


Name Stock Purchase Price

Wheat Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png24 

Bok Choy Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png32 

Potato Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png45 

Rice Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png40 

Soybean Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png64 

Cabbage Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png60 

Scallion Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png54 

Tomato Seed
30 Spirit Shards.png125 

10 Spirit Shards.png30 

10 Spirit Shards.png60 

10 Spirit Shards.png75 

10 Spirit Shards.png90 

Cured Pork
10 Spirit Shards.png120 

Soy Sauce
10 Spirit Shards.png95 

Black Vinegar
10 Spirit Shards.png85 

Wheat Flour
10 Spirit Shards.png100 

Solar Term Special Offer

Name Stock Purchase Price

Azuki Bean Seed
10 Spirit Shards.png155 

Bean Curd
5 Spirit Shards.png85 

5 Spirit Shards.png108 

Bell Pepper Seed
10 Spirit Shards.png135 

Cane Sugar
5 Spirit Shards.png120 

Carrot Seed
10 Spirit Shards.png72 

5 Spirit Shards.png72 

Cucumber Seed
10 Spirit Shards.png108 

Cured Pork
5 Spirit Shards.png144 

5 Spirit Shards.png36 

Pickled Veggie
5 Spirit Shards.png95 

5 Spirit Shards.png90 

Potato Flour
5 Spirit Shards.png115 

Soybean Sprout
5 Spirit Shards.png120 

Pickled Cucumber
5 Spirit Shards.png145 

Preserved Cabbage
5 Spirit Shards.png210 

Sticky Rice Flour
5 Spirit Shards.png140 

Sticky Rice Seed
10 Spirit Shards.png54 

See Also

Misty Valley
HomeWorkshopFishing TerraceNorthern FisheryMisty Valley TerraceLake PierNorthern Hanging BridgeFairy Mirror (Guiyun Villa) • Cave Entrance (Stalactite Cave Fishing Spot) • Lake IslandLake IslandThe Blessed Land (The Blessed Land Fishing Spot)
Ferry Stop
Sunset Inn (Inn Kitchen) • Blacksmith's ShopVegetable StallFish StallWandering VendorSnack StandBulletin BoardAnju LaneQiongzhen Pavilion (R&D Facility) • Hui Chun TangJi Yaohua's HouseLi Mengqing's HouseFerry Stop Fishing SpotEastern Bank Bridge
Guiyun Sect: Ziyun Peak
Main HallRenovation DivisionLecture HallFisheryChen Yuanzhou's ResidenceSect KitchenCloud BridgeSect Residence (Xie Wentian's ResidenceYang Ziqin's Residence) • Training GroundLin Wanxi's ResidenceYe Yuxin's Residence
Guiyun Sect: Lianyun Peak
Earth and Fire ArrayZuo Li's ResidenceSect Alchemy Furnace
Sunset Forest
Deep in the Sunset Forest (Song Yantong's Residence) • Eastern Sunset Forest
Yuhua Mystic Realm (Yuhua Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Flowery Mystic Realm (Flowery Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Blazing Sands Ridge Mystic RealmSalt Strewn Coast Mystic Realm (Salt Strewn Coast Mystic Realm Fishing Spot) • Bright Moon Pass Mystic RealmMolten Paths Mystic RealmFrostbound Ascent Mystic RealmZixiao Mystic Realm