Xie Wentian/Letters

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This page lists all the letters Incoming Letter.png received from Xie Wentian Icon.png Xie Wentian.

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The broken bridge has been repaired. Let's see how to repair the mountain road to Lianyun Peak. Repair the Cloud Bridge in the Guiyun Sect.
I was shocked by your spiritual strength when I last saw you in passing. It seems you have reached the Foundation Stage successfully. Please come visit me so I may gauge your progress properly. Player reaches the Foundation Stage in Cultivation.
Everything is ready, so please go invite Lin Wanxi. I'll wait for you by the earth and fire array.
I'm coming to the Misty Valley. We should talk while I'm there.
Player, have you managed to grow a sovereign cactus yet? If so, I have some glad tidings: once you have the fruit of the sovereign cactus, we should be able to find new rare crops.
I heard from Ziqin that you were assisting with both my injuries and the affairs of the sect while I was in a coma. You friendship brings me happiness. These essences are for you. I hope they will be of help. Complete their Speaking Acquaintance mission.
Player, I will look for the pheonix egg when I have enough time. Also, Li Mengqing should be going with me when I do. I have heard that the dragon's blood can be found in a place favored by the soulslayer flying whale. If you can defeat it, perhaps you will discover the truth of the dragon's blood. M Soulslayer Flying Whale Give Xie Wentian the Sovereign Cactus Fruit and wait until you receive this letter.
I heard that you have defeated the soulslayer flying whale. Did you find the dragon's blood? I went to the Yaowang Palace some time ago and learned it's the only way to Bright Moon Pass, where many alchemists gather. We may as well open up the trade route there, as it will make travel easier. Also, you will be able buy some new elixirs and formulae. Finish M Soulslayer Flying Whale and wait.
I heard that you have opened the trade route at the Yaowang Palace. Now you can go to the Bright Moon Pass Mystic Realm from the courier station. I heard that the place where the phoenix egg may be found is home to a huge golden rock rat to loosens the soil. If you can find the rat, I'm certain you will find the phoenix egg. Access to Bright Moon Pass Mystic Realm. Open trade route to Yaowang Palace.
Word has reached me that you have defeated both the huge golden rock rat and the soulslayer flying whale. Were you able to find the dragon's blood and phoenix egg? If so, I hope you can successfully grow them soon. I will continue to wait and hope for good news from you on this. M Dragon's Blood and Phoenix Egg Complete M Huge Golden Rock Rat
After all this time, I think we get along well with each other. You always remind me of my former brothers and sisters. I asked someone to make this Cultivator Hairstyle according to the hairstyle of some Guiyun Sect members. I hope you like it. File:Sage's Hair Box.png Sage's Hair Box containing;
Sage's Hair
Become Friends Heart.pngHeart.png
Player, come to the main hall. It's time to explain everything to everyone. Continuation of M Confession Began M Confession
I heard that you killed the blue giant fire wasp in the Molten Paths Mystic Realm. Did you find the inferno tree seeds? I hope you can gather all the rare spiritual plants soon. I have begun working out the necessary structure for an array to transcend time as you search for them. Complete M Molten Paths
Player, Zuo Li and I have already returned to the Ferry Stop. I have brought him to his room to rest. It would be appreciated if you could come and say a few words to him about this. We are very worried about what happened. Continues M Zixiao Mystic Realm Began M Zixiao Mystic Realm