Loading Screen Tips

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  • Achievements in any field will be recognized by the sect, and you can get promoted at the Bulletin Board in the Main Hall.
  • Activities such as growing crops, fishing, cooking, gathering resources, fighting and manufacturing will get you Cultivation.
  • After building a stone platform in the place where spiritual power converges, spiritual power can be restored through meditation.
  • After the Lecture Hall is built, in each solar term you can take a sect course. Actively take the courses to enhance the character attributes!
  • After the Main Hall is completed, don't forget to go to the treasury on the west side of the hall to get the Sect Budget for each quarter.
  • After the Qiongzhen Pavilion is built, you can unlock more goods for the sect store by donating items.
  • Build sect buildings, open up trade routes to the Qiongzhen Pavilion, and increase the cultivation of the sect members will all increase Sect Development.
  • Deliverables and dishes will use low-quality items first by default.
  • Delivering quests and cooking will use low-quality items first by default.
  • Drag items such as Pouches, Bags and Space Rings to the inventory to expand its space.
  • Drag Interspacial Rings to your inventory to expand its space.
  • Giving the right birthday gift on a friend's birthday can greatly enhance good feelings.
  • If you have gotten achievements in any field and gotten recognized by the sect, you can get promoted at the Bulletin Board in the Main Hall.
  • Left click on an item in your inventory to use or discard it.
  • Open your inventory and drag the seeds to the Quick Bar to plant them quickly.
  • The crops harvested and the fish caught can be exchanged for Cooking Recipes and Food Processing Recipes.
  • The Guiyun Sect is located on Ziyun Mountain and is one of the many sects in Jiufeng Prefecture.
  • The higher the quality of a bed, the more Stamina and HP it can restore at each hour.
  • The Wandering Vendor will come to the town in the solar terms of Beginning of Spring, Spring Equinox, Beginning of Summer, Summer Solstice, Beginning of Autumn, Autumn Equinox, Beginning of Winter, and Winter Solstice.
  • When you enter a house, farmland, open space, and other areas where decorative furniture can be placed, an editing button will be displayed at the bottom left on the screen.

